Building Wire

Copper Where It Counts

Upgrade your building wire

Copperweld® Building Wire is a Copper-Clad Aluminum (CCA) bimetallic conductor that, when installed to NEC requirements, offers greater current-carrying capacity than its alternatives.

Considering its specific rating in Code, testing has shown that Copperweld CCA is the most energy-efficient conductor with the lowest voltage drop on the market. This offers energy savings to owners of homes and buildings, performance enhancements, and energy conservation for the good of society.

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Premium CCA building wire

Installed to NEC requirements and built to UL standards, Copperweld NM-B cable offers more electrical efficiency than its alternatives, pointing to lower monthly utility costs and smoother running equipment for homeowners. Its light weight and flexibility create opportunities for labor savings. Disincentivizing theft, it offers thieves only a small fraction of the scrap value of copper NM-B cable.

  • Product range: 12 AWG – 4 AWG
  • Voltage: 600 V
  • Construction: CCA THHN conductors wrapped in color-coded PVC jacket

Metal-Clad (MC) Cable

Premium CCA armored commercial building wire

Copperweld® Metal-Clad (MC) Cable is a cost-efficient alternative to pipe and wire systems, especially when installing in commercial buildings and places of public assembly. Copperweld® MC Cable offers unsurpassed reliability, provides protection against mechanical damage, permits design flexibility of cable runs, and simplifies cable rerouting for equipment relocation.

  • Product range: 12 AWG / 10 AWG / 8 AWG / 6 AWG
  • Voltage: 600 V
  • Construction: CCA THHN conductors in an aluminum armored jacket


Premium CCA commercial and industrial building wire

Lightweight and flexible, Copperweld® CCA THHN conductors pull easily through conduit over long runs and bends. Installed to NEC requirements, Copperweld THHN CCA construction disincentivizes theft and offers more electrical efficiency than its alternatives, pointing to lower monthly utility costs, less voltage drop and smoother running equipment.

  • Product range: 12 AWG – 500 kcmil
  • Voltage: 600 V
  • Construction: CCA THHN conductors (single and stranded) in a PVC insulation and nylon jacket

Twist-on Splice Connectors

Listed for Copper-Clad Aluminum (CCA)

Listed as a Pressure-Type Wire Connector on solid and/or stranded CCA-TO-CCA, CCA-TO-CU and CU-TO-CU conductor wire combinations. Copperweld® splice connectors are suitable for use with Copperweld® CCA Wire. Listed for intermixing between Cu conductors and Copperweld® CCA conductors. Not for use with aluminum wire.

  • Listed to UL 486C
  • Conforms to CSA C22.2 #188
  • Rated CC-CC, Cu-Cu and CC-Cu
  • Not for use with aluminum wire

Thermostat Cable

Premium CCA thermostat and HVAC cable

Copperweld® Copper-Clad Aluminum (CCA) Thermostat Cable is a viable alternative for copper conductors in Class 2, 150V thermostat cable applications covered by UL 13, the UL Standard for Power-Limited Circuit Cables.

  • Product range: 16 AWG
  • Conductors: 2 – 8
  • Voltage: 150 V
  • Construction: CCA 10% with a PVC jacket

Bell Wire

Premium CCA bell wire

Copperweld® Copper-Clad Aluminum (CCA) Bell Wire is a viable alternative for copper conductors in a Class 2, 150V bell wire applications covered by UL 13, the UL Standard for Power-Limited Circuit Cables.

  • Product range: 16 AWG
  • Conductors: 2
  • Voltage: 150 V
  • Construction: CCA 10% with a PVC jacket

Copperweld Building Wire Benefits

Copper is a valuable resource. When sized appropriately, Copperweld CCA conductors utilize 1/6th the amount of copper of traditional copper conductors for the same-sized circuit while delivering lower voltage drop and improved energy efficiency.

Reduces Theft Incentive

CCA offers a fraction of the scrap value of copper building wire.

Energy Efficient

When sized per Code, CCA delivers improved energy efficiency over alternatives.

Easy to Install

CCA is lightweight, flexible, and terminates to standard torquing values.

Code Compliant

NEC compliant for 600 Volt residential branch circuit conductors since 1971.

Safety Tested

Listed for safety for use in general electrical wiring and branch circuits.

Proven Performance

CCA has 50 years of safe performance history in standard circuits.

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